
Showing posts from May, 2021

Emma to Joe, 18 October 1923

Maple Lane Farm Hampton 18th October 1923 My Dear Son, If I'd stay at home, and quit 'gadding' it might not so often get to be most a month between my letters to you. Two weeks ago we motored down to Newburgh for over Sunday (probably my last visit there - for except for Anson and Ida, there's nothing to attract me there any more). We had great weather for our trip; and on our way home crossed the bay by ferry at Deseronto and followed the 'high shore' down to Picton then by Wellington & to Trenton, seeing most of Prince Edward county, as I've been wanting to do for so long. Then last week on Wednesday we went up to Toronto for the first time since April - visited Uncle A's over night, shopped ('Papa' saw Lloyd George) and got home at three Thursday afternoon. Saturday Cora Cruse came out for over Sunday and J.G and Mrs Langmaid and Foster S and Hilda with little 'Joe' came to tea Sunday night (No letter-writing that day!)...

Emma to Joe, 16 September 1923

Maple Lane Hampton 16th Sept 1923 My Dear Boy, The folks are at church - all but the two youngsters playing 'barn' in the corner of the orchard - and 'Ted', sleeping off a cold. And when I sit down to write it's just naturally to you first. There hasn't been a letter from you since I wrote last - here's hoping you haven't been sick or laid up. Maybe I'll hear tomorrow!  This is a beautiful September day cool enough too; a couple of nights ago there was a frost heavy enough to kill [?? melon views or vines??] and nip corn and tomatoes so they are cutting our corn and silo-filling is set for Thursday - We threshed last week Saturday and now Ted and 'Papa' between them have the threshing debts all paid. The grain turned out pretty well in spite of the dry weather. 'Papa' and I attended Oshawa Fair Tuesday afternoon - saw some good horse races - Reford and D went next day and saw more people (and less of the show!) among t...

Emma to Joe, 2 September 1923

Maple Lane Farm Hampton, 2nd Sept '23 My Dear Joe, I know I'm a week late again - but last week I was "gaddin" agin' and it seems unless I write nobody does.  Two weeks ago 'Papa' dispatched 'Ted' and Stanley to Newburgh in the car - leaving here Sunday about nine in the morning. They got back to tea Monday bringing Aunt Ella and Charlie with them. (They were visiting in Enterprise you know - but came to N in response to telephone message)  Then last Sunday after church 'Papa' and Grandpa, Aunt Ella and I set out for Lakefield (9 miles north of Peterboro) to visit another "cousin Joe" (Joseph H - Havelock, not Horatio - - sometimes called 'Lock' chant. Uncle Chris' son - father to Russell whom Miss Stewart (?) thought you resembled - station agent for many years at Blackwater now agt. at Lakefield.) He and his wife - very plain friendly nice people - more our sort than the Cathcart bunch - though they'...

Emma to Joe, 12 August 1923

Maple Lane Farm Hampton 12th August 1923 My Dearest Joe, Your "dandy" letters home are the greatest comfort. Last Sunday's was only four days coming. I am glad you are in your new quarters and very relieved to learn you've had rain enough up there to dampen things a bit. We're still needing it here - though it rained twice since last Sunday but when things are so dry and a fine shower is followed by hot days with wind it soon looks as if it had never rained. Just now of course with harvest at its height some are not so anxious to see it start in real wet.  Our grain is all cut & stocked up - 17 loads in - the wheat is threshed (a fair crop not so plump as some and the heads were short - but nothing to discourage a fellow growing wheat). 'Bert Northcott and Jas. Stainton have a brand new outfit - Case tractor operating this season - but we had Ashton's this time - because he was in the immediate neighborhood at the right time.  Last Tuesda...

Emma to Joe, 3 July 1923

Maple Lane Farm Hampton 3d July '23 My Dear Joe, You'll wonder what's happened to me and I am sure I don't know myself how it come to be this day and date and such a long time since I wrote to you. The last ten days is easily accounted for - we've been having a visit from Aunt Ida with Uncle Anson here both Sundays. They were going to Newburgh this afternoon. The week before they came was "spoiled" by house-cleaning - "Newt" Edgar and two men came out and papered the parlour - len [?] and hall and grained the dining-room woodwork (wh still has to be varnished) it all looks very nice.  Stanley's exam is over at last. Much to her delight and she thinks she is safe for a pass but hasn't much hopes of "honors" (on account of Arithmetic). Miss Middleton has resigned and the board (i.e. "Papa" the secty) is in the throes of hiring a new school-marm.  The measles are around this community. Camerons have had th...

Emma to Joe, 28 May 1923

Maple Lane Farm Hampton 28th May 1923 My Dear Son, Your prompt answer to my last puts it "up to me" again. Doris sent you a short (? judging by the time she was writing it) letter last week to which "Papa" added a post script telling the "big news" from Beulah's - Charles had just phoned and Papa and Doris were on their way in less than half an hour - to bring Elinor here. We are getting along with her as best we can. She is pretty difficult some of the time as was to be expected and does well other items. If we are to have anything to do with this new lad I hope he will take to us from the first. Elinor never did like me and now she won't let me do anything for her if she can get either of the girls. We were out to Eldad for our tea tonight. Their anniversary yesterday and today - you know - Next Sunday will be Zion's again. Seems a short year since the last. Cyril Dyson is to be the speaker again - and I guess we are to entertai...