Emma to Joe, 28 May 1923

Maple Lane Farm


28th May 1923

My Dear Son,

Your prompt answer to my last puts it "up to me" again. Doris sent you a short (? judging by the time she was writing it) letter last week to which "Papa" added a post script telling the "big news" from Beulah's - Charles had just phoned and Papa and Doris were on their way in less than half an hour - to bring Elinor here. We are getting along with her as best we can. She is pretty difficult some of the time as was to be expected and does well other items. If we are to have anything to do with this new lad I hope he will take to us from the first. Elinor never did like me and now she won't let me do anything for her if she can get either of the girls.

We were out to Eldad for our tea tonight. Their anniversary yesterday and today - you know - Next Sunday will be Zion's again. Seems a short year since the last. Cyril Dyson is to be the speaker again - and I guess we are to entertain him and his wife - but it will likely only be for tea as the services are at 2 and 7:30 this year and he drives a car so he can go home after its over.

I have the usual quantity of sewing to accomplish between now and then. Don't expect I'll feel much like going to the celebration myself by the time I get the rest of 'em fixed - however!

The country is looking lovely now. The trees have leafed out just since the 24th the apple trees are in bloom - lilacs are not open yet, but they will be soon. If it weren't for hindering the bees working in the fruit blossoms we would be glad of another rain-roads are awful dusty.

I 'spose Doris told you Pascoe's have a new "Star" car? J.G.L has a Chev - superior sedan - and Bert Northcott came out today in a new Oakland six sedan - It's hard to "keep up with the Jones's" this year.

Well! my dear boy - It's past my bed time - so I'd better seek repose. Here's hoping you get a big rain in time to save "the drive" and also that some of it comes clear here!

Your loving


Envelope addressed: Dear Lake, Ontario J.J. McFadden Camp 6



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