Emma to Joe, 3 July 1923

Maple Lane Farm


3d July '23

My Dear Joe,

You'll wonder what's happened to me and I am sure I don't know myself how it come to be this day and date and such a long time since I wrote to you.

The last ten days is easily accounted for - we've been having a visit from Aunt Ida with Uncle Anson here both Sundays. They were going to Newburgh this afternoon. The week before they came was "spoiled" by house-cleaning - "Newt" Edgar and two men came out and papered the parlour - len [?] and hall and grained the dining-room woodwork (wh still has to be varnished) it all looks very nice. 

Stanley's exam is over at last. Much to her delight and she thinks she is safe for a pass but hasn't much hopes of "honors" (on account of Arithmetic). Miss Middleton has resigned and the board (i.e. "Papa" the secty) is in the throes of hiring a new school-marm. 

The measles are around this community. Camerons have had three cases and now Mary has 'em - Fred escapes as he suffered that overseas - Pascoes too and now Balsams. Effa broke out just in time to escape trying her exam. I really can't see how we can hope to avoid having them but so far we are able to give a clean bill of health. Measles takes quite a while to catch anyhow. 

Well! Mr Langmaid got your "Dad" at last to swap his Ford for Chevrolet Superior and it is giving him more trouble to learn to handle it than poor old "Lizzie" ever did, but I s'pose after awhile we'll forget the "boot" we had to pay and get to enjoy the new bus as well as we did the old. 'Sawful but there has also been some talk of getting a second-hand coupé or runabout for Theodore who is now eighteen years old you know. And little Miriam is now past five. Beulahs' "Leonard Bain" is a fine boy [illegible line] or Hilda's "little Joe" who came 11th June. 

We have word that Grandpa Chant and Charlie W. are leaving N Bay for here on the 4th stopping for a few days in Toronto. Aunt Ella to follow before the 1st August when she and Chas are to go camping back of Enterprise. Uncle Stan has a job culling ties I guess on the T & N.O - He'll be sure of a job now for as long as this gov't is in! and is away most of the time so Ella can get a holiday. 

We've been hoping to have you "surprise" us one of these days. We'll be here right along now, though we may be shot in with measles.

Well! my dear - I'll try in the matter of letter-writing at least to be a better


Envelope addressed "Dear Lake, Ontario, c/o JJ McF Ltd"



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