Emma to Joe, 4 February 1923

Maple Lane Farm


4th Feby 1923

My Dear Joe,

Here it is Sunday again, my day to talk to you and I've been most all day busy trying to keep warm. We are having one of our frequent but brief cold snaps (It will probably rain before tomorrow this hour.) 

There is a lot of sickness around "Grippe", I guess. Doris is trying it yesterday and today. I hope it does not get the whole bunch going! Any way not all at once.

"Papa" and Ted (and I may as well admit, me too) are having the time of their lives teasing [testing?] the radio. Did I tell you Emerson was fixing us up one? He was out last week with it but it didn't work so he took it back and we got it again yesterday. He heard concerts all week over it but we can't seem to get it tuned up quite right for though we catch scraps of speeches, music, sermons, etc. we can't get anything plain. It's about as aggravating as a Ford engine.

You'll think I'm long on promises if you don't see your pop-corn soon - but the mice got at what we had in a bag and made it look useless - and I am going to have the boys bring in a [illegible word] and shell some to send you. The apples have to be sorted and packed and they keep waiting for a stormy day (and all the stormy days "Papa" has to draw the milk to town (Wattie isn't doing that this year - you know) Aunt Ella has been enquiring about hers too. You'll be "where you is at" for enough longer to consume a barrel of apples, I s'pose? especially considering the help you'll get.

What do you do with the Posts after they are read? We missed the end of one story "Pascal [illegible word]" and the first of another and could not get a back number in Oshawa so if you are not keeping them all and are quite through with it, and can find it and wouldn't mind, you might send us the copy of 27th January some time and oblige.

The big news around here is a young daughter at A. D. Langmaid's.

Did I mention that Elva Pascoe is attending business college in Oshawa this Winter Amber Souley who isn't supposed to be sufficiently recovered to go back into training at the hospital is the nurse in charge up at "Fatty's".          

Last week we had a couple of men sawing and splitting wood down in the bush and now Ted is busy drawing 8 cords of it to the school. Then they will get busy on our supply for next year.

Ever since the snow came we've noticed rabbit tracks quite close around the house and moon light nights we've seen the bunnies as many as four at once. This morning "Papa" found out that they are girding the young fruit trees in the garden, now Daddy wants a rabbitskin in real earnest.

This is Monday night now Joe, I didn't get a minute to finish this in all day. Doris came down to tea tonight. If that did not do her any harm she's about over it, I guess. 

There's no sign of my thaw yet, although they say it's moderating. Dear boy, It seems a long time till spring yet! but they were pointing out yesterday "Just two months to Easter". Here's hoping.

Your own fond


Envelope addressed: Dear Lake, Ontario, McF & M. Camp 6



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