Emma to Joe, 12 July 1918


R.R. 1 

12th July 1918 

My Dear Boy, 

I cannot just remember when I wrote to you but it's time to write again anyway. 

I'm up you see today not exactly "on peck" yet but right side up and able to help myself and move around a little which is quite a treat. We've got another dandy baby - just about like Allen and the rest of you were. She is fat (I said she looked like Mrs. Charlie Currier!) and sleepy and doesn't ask anything more than her due in the line of care and attention - so I guess we will get along. We named her Sunday - "Miriam Matilda". "Miriam" for everyday use - "Matilda" after Grandma C - Do you know who the first "Miriam" was? 

Grandpa Chant came on Tuesday. Yesterday he went in to Oshawa with Papa and Doris. This morning he is down at the creek fishing. 

Papa and Ted & "Tommie" (that's Stanley in overalls) are haying these days. "Tommie" drives "Queenie" to the hay rake and she and "Queen" are as chummy. Morgan is being allowed all the rest they can give him & if he grows much more some circus will buy him for an elephant. 

I must tell you about my nurse - she turned out to be an Eldad girl. her name Taylor. They live between here and Enniskillen on a farm. Her "dad" is Supt. Eldad S. S. her only brother Pres. E. League & She was a great success here and about the nicest girl we've met. 

Have they told you about our pup? A bob-tailed collie with a wide white collar and two front feet (the rest of him is tan.) I named him "Ring". 

Ted was tickled to get his letter and will answer as soon as his "rush" is over. 

Is ?Ruter? [probably Rutter, near Alban, south of Sudbury] still the right address? It's the best one we know. 

With love to my dear boy 

your Mother


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