Emma to Joe, 12 November 1922

Maple Lane Farm


12th Nov 1922

My Dear Joe,

Doris got your letter yesterday and we are sorry our letters of two weeks ago were so slow getting to you (Likely you got 'em since you wrote) but we are pleased your apples made the journey safely anyway.

Last week I got a nice kind invitation from Aunt Ida to go down there for Thanksgiving. If we could have known the weather would stay so mild we might perhaps have gone, But there's always such a plenty of work to do this time of year and of course I'm farther behind than ever now because I've not only lost time, I've got so I cannot hurry. 

There was a Ladies Aid meeting last week and I didn't go because I didn't want to - and Doris told them over the phone that I wasn't well enough - so they sent me nice plant along with other ??? like "Mrs Robins, etc. The family think the joke is on me. I went to church this morning just to prove I was able and because it will be the last chance to go in the morning for some time. They are changing the hour of service at Zion to 1:30 P.M. (S.S. to follow at 2:30 as now or 2:45) Today "they" were collecting and arranging for a presentation to Trevails who are moving to town - leaving "Garf" on the farm. "Reggie" Culvert has left these parts - remember "Reg"?

When in town yesterday what d'you think? we up and bought a cook-stove a "Lighter-Day" the kind I've been looking at and talking of for some years. Haven't got it out here yet, but when we do some cooking will be expected of me, no doubt.

The weather is still very mild for the time of year - almost like Sept., Hope it turns cold enough for venison before the month is out - but it is nice to have a fine late Fall in other ways. Ted and "Papa" have still some plowing to do but they're getting pretty well caught up. 

I've only written to Douglas once since they were here. I must quit this now and spend some time on his. Write often and we will too. I think there are others besides Doris who can write fine letters!

Your loving


Envelope Addressed Dear Lake, Ontario, McF & Malloy Camp 6


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