Emma to Joe, 12 June 1919

Maple Lane

Thursday forenoon

12 June 1919

My Dear Son,

It seems foolishness to send your letters to Echo Bay when we know you are working in Sudbury - but you might be  long time getting his if I sent it to Sudbury, so..

"Grandpa C" got here Sat evening - and as he had seen you Sunday that was quite like hearing directly from you, but your letter coming Monday was nonethe less welcome. I wish we had you and your paint and varnish brushes here for a while - How did you hear that Irene was sick? I wrote to Douglas as soon as we got the news about Bell, and asked them to write soon again - but we haven't heard. They're building an extension to the mill and more houses and a new R.C. Church etc. in Espanola this summer. I can't get them to say anything about coming down this summer - but last year they didn't let me know until they had set the day & hour.

Last Wednesday was the S. School picnic - We all went - locked the house for the first time since we've been here. Papa and I had to come home to milk at 5 o'clock *Harts truck comes out after it now getting to Art Stainton's about 7 every evening) and by the time we got back a Thunder storm was threatening so the affair broke up in haste. We needed rain pretty badly but that freshened everything up again.          

Last Friday Dr. Sleemon came in his car and took Papa & me in to Oshawa where they doped me to sleep and extracted all my teeth and then brought me home again. I've been more or less of a wreck ever since but the swelling is going out of my face now and the sore spots are healing, so I s'pose the worst is over.

The job on hand these days is road-work. Papa Y team were at it all day yesterday. Ted had mangells - today Ted and both teams are on the job. 

The snapshots turned out N. G. (If I had all the cash that's been wasted on failures I'd (maybe) buy a camera and take some real pictures!) This is the best one and looks about as much like Miriam as the cat - Write soon, my dear boy -

Your loving


Envelope addressed Box 3, Echo Bay, Ont, JCP Rush, foreman Painter


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