Emma to Joe, 11 March 1923
Maple Lane Farm
11th March 1923
My Dear Boy,
Two good letters from you to reply to this time - and I know I am a week behind too. It was so spring like a week ago (and no letter from you got here till Tues) so we thought maybe you would be breaking camp before a letter could get in and I didn't write, then when your letter came I was sorry especially as you said you were not feeling quite well. I was not anxious - but I was awfully pleased when your second letter came to reassure me.
Since I wrote last Ted has had the Grip - was in the house a week - which seemed much longer to him. He is about again now. O.K. I guess, any way he has gone to take Emerson back to town again.
And still the Radio isn't much of a success. We have picked up concerts, reports of hockey matches, lectures, etc., occasionally quite plain for the operator, but too indistinct to those away from the machine. He admits now that he is baffled - doesn't know any thing more to do to make it work.
We had one of our surprise visits from Uncle Anson about then days ago. The first since June. Aunt Ida rented apartments in Toronto for the winter and kept house for the boys and Uncle A gets there about as often as he got to Newburgh.
We had a short letter from Irene the other day. She's been shut in all winter again. They've (the kids) just had chicken pox. ".C. has been laid up for some time with "Grip" I guess. Mrs A. T. Stainton and Doris are both in bed with it at present. The type they are having around here this year is mild but unpleasant enough - staying in bed in the chief [missing line] spend enough days in bed off and on - as it is -with my old "dizzy head" but "Papa" & I are taking Chase's Liver Cure now, so I'll soon be as good as new.
Three weeks from today will be Easter. I guess we will be making a bit of syrup again this Spring. I am prophesying a good run because the snow is staying on so late. We've lots of it yet. Getting to be bad roads now though - cutting off and stopping through in the middle of the day - you know Beulah expects to have a phone in a her new home in a few days - Ours has worked just Miserably all Winter, but at present it is clear and quite satisfactory.
Geo Hart is fixing to build another house on his place between the family residence and Maurice's and this one's for Evie!
You'll get this before the 23rd I hope and Doris will likely write again. We all hope you can get home for a little while soon and longer after the drive, if that is the way it works out best. You know Joe, your visit home always does me a world of good. Indeed we all count on having "Joe" home in the Spring and I keep hoping one of these days to have you and Douglas home at the same time.
Ivan Law has a big sale on the 22nd (five years ago ours was on that date - eh?) did we tell you Alf Ayre has bought that place. The greatest lot of sales this Spring.
Well, my dear, if you find you are not going to be able to get all the way home soon be sure to write for from now on when we don't hear we'll be looking & expecting you to "pop in" - you know - so keep writing often till you can do better,
Your loving
Envelope addressed Dear Lake, Ontario, J.J.
McF Co Camp 6
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