Emma to Joe, 29 December 1920

Maple Lane Farm


29th Dec 1920

My Dear Son,

By this time you must just about think you are forsaken. We just got your letter (of 22nd) from Camp 5 to-day. I hope in the meantime you've had our letters - Doris's & mine - if you haven't the bit parcel from North Bay.

Well! Christmas is all over again. It was pretty tame here seemed to me. Beulah & Charles came in time for the Christmas tree on Wednesday and stayed over Sunday. Went up to Vivian's Christmas for dinner & tea. So there were three less here than last year. 

Florence Cameron was here for tea Sunday. Today Trace Glaspel and Hazel were married (Wes G. and wife are fixing up the little house!!)  

School meeting today election - I mean - J. Cameron is the new trustee in Herb Pascoe's place and Papa is Secty Treas. I s'pose Doris told you Miss Cruse again reconsidered her resignation - Frank Pascoe is home again.

Miriam has had a great Christmas - 2 dolls - a little broom, some dishes, and Allen's Mother goose book which she enjoys as much as he - she knew most of the ditty's before but she never saw the pictures.

I got something I like - an enlarged copy of our group picture - I've framed it and it hangs up over the telephone - I got a tea-pot stand from Eva Ellis souvenir from the land of the Haweaters, and a card "from Auntie Maggie" - Webbwood. - Did you ever? 

It has been snowing off and on ever since Sunday today they drove down for butter with the cutter - but the snow is so dry & fluffy the wind will presently rise and blow it off the roads.

Somehow knowing nothing at all about it I imagine the work in a square-timber camp would be interesting. Requires more skilled labor and not so many of them I fancy - Tell us what you think of it. I'm sorry it is taking you farther from Post Offices, that's all. Write often anyway, Laddie, and we will too. So even if our letters cross, we'll keep in touch.

Here's wishing you all the best things for the New Year



Envelope addressed Tomiko P.O, Ontario, J. A.B. Gordon Camp 5 "White Rock"


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