Emma to Joe, 8 December 1919

Maple Lane Farm

8th Dec 1919

My Dear Son,

It's getting deep into the time of year when I'm always farther behind with my "works" than at any other times, but I'm going to write this letter before I go to bed, so there! I'll have to mend Chris's overalls and hear Stanley spelling and see to bread afterwards.

Well! Papa's trip "up north" was pretty successful in everything but seeing you and we knew you couldn't have made it on such short notice - I didn't know for sure when he'd be going when I wrote and Douglas didn't get my letter till after Papa got there! 

The venison has been quite a treat, so many of our neighbors never tasted it before. Last Wednesday night Mrs Percy Langmaid "entertained" the L. Aid and their husbands. 

Papa and I went up to Toronto on Friday and came home Sat, stayed at Uncle Arthur's. It was raining "cats & dogs" when we came home from the station (by the way Joe, they're building a new station at Solina for Mr. Switzer) and about an hour later the awfulist wind came up and blew all night. Did a lot of mischief around here - falling trees & windmills, and fences, etc.

Now, son listen to me - I wasn't you home here for Christmas - I'm sorry enough that I can't expect Douglas this year, with his boys - but I can't give up expecting you - Think how long it is since I've seen you - and I've been hanging on for Christmas all summer. If you want to surprise us all right come bouncing in anytime, without warning, but - dear child be sure to some.

My old Dad is planning a party for his birthday (92nd on 10th Jan and if you could arrange to stay and go down with me for that it would be great!)

I mustn't forget to tell you how much I appreciate your offer about a trip up North for me - but it isn't to be considered at present Joe. Things go like the deuce around here when I'm away - honest they do - The girls leave too much for Beulah to do, the boys won't mind her (they don't have to when I'm home) and she gets feeling "crooked" and cross-ways enough when things are running as smooth as they can.

Charles is going to be away for a month soon. They are building a woodshed at last with Norman Leach to help. I don't expect to be away overnight again (except the one - if I go - to Newburgh) for dear knows when. 

The school teacher is leaving at Christmas - Isn't that the limit!

It isn't likely I can write again before Christmas we'll be busy and busier every day - but remember - I am thinking of you every day and as it gets nearer - every day looking for you more and more. If you let us know we'll meet you at Oshawa of Solina anytime. 

We're a little snow, but not enough for sleighing yet. Hoping soon to kiss my big generous good-hearted boy.

I am as ever


Envelope addressed Webbwood, Ontario, Beck Lumber Co


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