Emma to Joe, 6 March 1921

Hampton R.R. 1

6th March '21

My Dear Son

Perhaps you have written and we have not got the letter, but do you know! the last word we had from you was dated 6th Feb'y. Both Doris and I have written to you since and perhaps your letters went astray. I have been trying to think maybe you were homeward bound and would bounce in some night instead of a letter but you haven't done that either so far so I'll try to reach you once more. At S School today Nora told Doris that she has had a letter from you, so I guess I'll have to give up my one theory - that you are laid up.

Do you know I wonder what has made Granpa Chant decide to come down here so early this year? He has written to say he will (if it suits us) come this month. I thought maybe Aunt Ella has to come to Toronto for treatment for her teeth or something and didn't want to leave him, but he doesn't give a hint of anything of the kind. It's all right anyway if the weather isn't any colder than we have had all Winter we can make him comfortable, I guess.

This family has been having tonsilitis since we wrote you. Miriam, Allen, Chris, Stanley and Papa all tried it. Miriam was the worst - doctor was here four times. She doesn't talk just right yet, but her appetite is good again now.

Beulah was home over night first of last week. Charles has Walter's white horse for the summer (Walter has bought (?) a new one) Next Sunday being 13th - their anniversary - they are coming home for the "celebration"

I took the two Doris's in for their music lessons yesterday and came home with a headache. There's been good skating back on Baker's pond this last week - but it rained last night and spoiled it for the present.

My Dear - if this letter does not reach you I hope it will be because you are on your way home - Anyway it carries lots of love from all especially


Envelope addressed Tomiko P.O, Ontario,  A.B. Gordon Co (If not called for, return to Box 1026 North Bay)



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