Emma to Joe, 5 March 1919

Maple Lane

Hampton R.R. 1

5th March 1919

My Dear Joe,

A letter from Douglas today told us where you are at least it told where you are not so that we can pretty well guess the rest. I hope you got my letter - I wrote as soon as you sent word you were in Webbwood - Stanley achieved a letter to you Sunday before last and I did not know just where to sent it until you would write again - but I'll enclose it now and trust if you haven't already done so, you will write when you get this.

Papa was in Toronto yesterday investigating some sales greatly advertised, horses, harness, lumber, etc. Simpson & Royal Air Force and Munitions Board and ran into Van Norman and had quite a visit about all the old gang up there. We've thought of a lot he didn't ask since however. Do you know - is Steve Brouse [?] home where's Russell James? - did Otto ever come back? Where Kenneth Trty [?] and Charlie Phillips are now? Who lives in Dan Hanrahan's house and where Harbours used to live?

Except for a few colds and some rheumatism we are all well - had Cornish and his wood-saw a couple of days since I wrote and now we have a pile of wood like a haystack. Some of it needs splitting however.

The famous "play" came off on 27th Feby - church full - proceeds $59. They succeeded well enough to get invitations to give it at other places. So I guess everybody is satisfied. 

Mind you, my old teeth are in yet. The dentist was laid up on the appointed day and Dr. Sleemon hasn't fixed another date.

We have a fresh fall of snow this week nearly enough for sleighing - but crows are cawing all around and they say ground hogs are out. So I guess it won't stay long - I must mend George's pants now or he'll have to stay in bed all day tomorrow -

With much love

Your Mother

Envelope addressed Webbwood


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