Emma to Joe, 27 October 1920


27th Oct 1920

My Dear Son,

I hope you won't think I am indifferent or slow to answer your call - your letter just got here Monday afternoon and I was laid up yesterday and anyway it wasn't any use to write til I could say something. 

Papa is off to Oshawa this morning and when he gets home I'll know just what can be done in your behalf. If we had the ready money we'd send you some but all we can scrape up - milk cheques, etc. has to go to pay apple-pickers this week - over $100. I guess by the time they're done and of course we get no returns from our apples till mid-winter or whenever the Association disposes of them. However we can't see you stuck. I hope you've been able to "Hang tough" till this reaches you.

3 PM Papa just got home no other way presenting itself for relieving the situation - he wrote to Uncle Stan asking him to give you what help you need and you can arrange to repay him when payday arrives - Knowing I was anxious to get a reply on its way to you as soon as possible Papa mailed his letter in Oshawa thus it will probably be a full day ahead of this. You would have preferred help some other way, I feel sure, Joe - and so - you must know - would we - but it seemed the only expedient in a hurry - and I do hope my dear boy that it will prove satisfactory - And Joe, because I haven't been much to depend on in this instance don't let that prevent you letting me know how it goes with you right along.

Tell us all about your job when you write (and answer this soon so I'll know how it worked out) Yours in haste - with love & sympathy



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