Emma to Joe, 26 November 1922

Maple Lane Farm

Sunday evening

26th Nov '22

My Dear Son,

You certainly have put us all in your debt now! Doris got those dandy pictures (and, I guess, two letters) and I've had two fine letters since I wrote two weeks ago, and last night about 8 o'clock some one 'phoned us via Runnells that a deer was at Solina station for us. It was soon hanging in our woodshed. Tomorrow we'll divide "tastes" of him around the neighborhood and your stock will go up about 25%. Your ears will probably burn considerably this next week. Any way it's a fine buck and we are very thankful for it. You should see the "chesty" way your Dad marches every body that comes around to see it! 

Now listen, we would have shipped you more apples before this but for two reasons, one being scarcity of sound bbls. I am sorry that it's been left till it's so much [illegible word] but when they reach you have the top on and throw some blanket or something over them for a few days just for fear they have been frozen. If they thaw out in the [illegible word] frost does not hurt apples. And if they freeze again in your office in real winter weather leave them where they'll stay frozen and thaw by putting into cold water just as you need them. Here's hoping you enjoy them! 

The other reason is that "Papa" has been laid up. Went to the barn last night for the first time since Tuesday. His back again. This time it was brought on by a kick from a cow. (The one behind drove him one while he was milking the other) He couldn't stoop over or sit down or rise up for days, but it's getting better now.

Well! the big news this week is that Florence C and Russell were married Wednesday at Hampton parsonage (dinner at Cameron's after) and are off on a motor home [illegible] weather when they started but it has been very cold since and today it is snowing. 

Ted bet Doris that you didn't take (at least that they weren't taken) those pictures with your camera (sounds kind o'mixed up but I mean well) any way, did you? And have you got your big dogs yet? the kids often ask if you mentioned them in your letters. 

We got our new cook stove home and in action. It is very satisfactory. We put it along the south wall of the kitchen with its back to the cellar way put the wash-stand where the stove was and the table where the sand was so the kitchen seems quite new and different.

Chris having a sore tooth today stayed home and looked after fires and the little folks and I went to church and S. School. It works fine to have the whole forenoon to get ready for church, but it seemed to me to make a pretty long session. I think they'll be tired of it by Spring.

Do you know? Joe, I don't believe you need all that advice I've been saving up for you. You're getting older than you used to be. I realize it, if you don't. Never-the-less, I'll likely fire some of it at you as soon as I have time. My letters to you are long enough the dear knows, without any sermons attached. So I'll write one all sermon one of these times. In the mean time don't get in anything so deep you can't get out.

Your loving

and proud


Envelope addressed Dear lake, Ontario, McF & Malloy Camp 6


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