Emma to Joe, 19 January 1919

Maple Lane

Hampton R.R. 1

19th Jan 1919

My Dear Joe,

I have lost track of when I wrote to you last but I'm sure it's time to write again anyway. We are always so glad to hear from you or from the North Bay folks now to know whether your luck still holds as to "the flu". It's still around here too. Harold Gifford and Foster Snowdon (did you know him? Hilda Langmaid's young man - worked for Percy L all summer) are two of the newest cases.

It is getting kind o' lively now the season for wood bees having opened up. "Papa" and I were at one - Arthur Langmaid's - About twenty couples - besides seven or eight children - were there. They go as early in the afternoon as possible and saw wood till dark then such a supper! (the women have quilted, served carpet-rags or done their own fancywork and gossiped all afternoon and eaten supper first - so half a dozen of 'em can wait on the men) and they stay and play games etc. till midnight - We had to come home at 7 to milk &c and we thought it hardly worthwhile to go back - but some do. Beulah has been at two where just young people, were asked - "Art" Stanton's and Fred Langmaid's and we hear of a number more to follow.

The youngsters have been making sarcastic remarks about the long lonely winter evening in the country - here's how it went last week - Monday we had the teacher Miss Annie and Florence & Vida Langmaid her to tea & the evening. Tues was League- Wed. the B. P Class concert. Thurs we were at Langmaid's bee. Friday night - practise for the play - and M & Mrs Robins here for the evening - And tomorrow night it begins over again - We are invited over to Armour's with the Bible class - haven't said we'd go - for "the gang" meets here to practise - and I guess maybe I'd better stick around. "Bill" Sully (I've never seen him yet) and Geo. Souley - "Fatty" Langmaid Russell Stainton Russell R. and Charles. Flo C. Hilda Florence L &c &c some gang.

Tuesday I intend to have J Balson's and W. J. Langmaid's here to tea - a debt I've owed some months. We were invited in to Rev. Wm Washington in Bowmanville for dinner Wed - but as we are liable to have Mr Cornish here that day with his engine & wood sawing outfit I've written our regrets - and they tell me Robins are going to have either a bee or a party for "seniors" this week.- I'll have to go to the city for a rest cure if this keeps up all winter.

I wonder if you are having a real winter? We've lost our sleighing again now and though the mild weather is fine and easy on fuel I don't believe it's near as good for people's health. Of course if isn't exactly Spring yet.

We are milking three cows now and sending over a can a day in to Harts with the Staintons and others. One cow - a nice young Durham Papa got at a sale - turned out such a kicker that she is raising two calves and she'll be given two others when they come. 

Miriam is actually getting fat now that she is getting "Rosie's" rich milk. 

How are the apples holding out at Aunt Ella's? They are spoiling a little faster than I can use 'em now. 

Uncle Anson has not been here since early in Dec. 

I got a letter from my "Dad" the week he was 91. 

I must fix the milk for the baby's night bottles now and then take her to bed. The biggest job I have is getting "five of 'em" with their lunches off to school on time. These dark mornings.

I got a letter from Irene since New Year's - Douglas is about the only one in the mill who hasn't had the flu. "Billy" McC nearly died with it - Billie Cowley - J.B. Collins Danny H two Spences are home from the front.

I must quit - it's so late the clock has stopped.

With love to my dear son and hoping you'll write soon -

Your Mother

 Envelope addressed North Bay, Box 1026


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